How Video Content Marketing Helps Increase Sales

There’s no doubt that video marketing is on the rise. In fact, according to experts, videos will make up 82% of all traffic by 2023. Now is the time if you still need to incorporate video into your content marketing strategy. Here’s a detailed explanation of how video content marketing can help increase sales for your business. 

Video is ‘Engage-able’ 

The first reason video content marketing helps increase sales is that it is much more engaging than written content. The average person has an attention span of 8 seconds, so your content should capture and hold someone’s attention long enough to get your message across. Videos are the perfect platform to do this because they are stimulating, and people are more likely to watch a video all the way through than read an entire article. 

Video Creates an Emotional Connection 

When done well, videos can create an emotional connection with viewers. And when people feel emotionally connected to a product or brand, they are much more likely to purchase it. This is because emotions drive decision-making – not logic. So if you can create a video that emotionally resonates with your target audience, you’ll be much more successful in driving sales than relying solely on logic and facts. 

Video Builds Trust 

Another reason video content marketing helps increase sales is that it builds trust between you and your potential customers. For someone to hand over their hard-earned cash, they need to trust that you are a credible source and that you have their best interests at heart. Videos help build this trust by putting a face to a name and allowing customers to see that there are real humans behind the scenes working hard on their behalf.

Video Increases Brand Awareness

Finally, video content marketing helps increase sales by raising brand awareness. The more people are exposed to your brand, the more likely they will make a purchase. And with videos, you can reach a much wider audience than you would with written content alone. This is because videos are shareable and can be distributed across social media, email, and other channels.

Video is Versatile

Another reason video content marketing is so effective is that it’s versatile. You can use videos for various purposes, such as product demonstrations, customer testimonials, and how-to guides. This means that you can cater your videos to your target audience’s specific needs, making them more likely to take action after watching.

As you can see, there are several ways in which video content marketing helps increase business sales. Creating videos should be at the top of your list if you’re looking for a way to engage your audience, build trust, and boost conversions. Not only will videos help you achieve these goals, but they will also position you as an industry leader and help you stay ahead of the competition. So if you still need to incorporate videos into your content marketing strategy, now is the time to start. You’ll be glad you did!